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Do I have to live in Baltimore to participate in the ToolBank Bmore Hustle?

Nope! It is called the Bmore Hustle because it focuses on where we ‘live’… but anyone who thinks they can compete from any location is welcome to join the Hustle!

How much does registration cost?

It’s up to you! We are asking only that you make a donation in any amount you see fit. There is no minimum or maximum donation.

Do I have to complete the challenges in order?

Nope! They are only numbered so we can score them easily.

Do I have to complete all challenges?

Nope! Complete as many or few as you like. Of course, you only get points for those you complete!

Can I work with others as a team?

This challenged was designed for single participants. While you are free to work in a team, just be mindful that the winner only gets a single prize. Future versions of the Bmore Hustle may be designed specifically for teams, so stay tuned if you are interested in a team challenge!

What if I am not active on Facebook or Instagram?

You can still participate, have fun and compete! Not all tasks have an option for extra points by posting on social media, so you can still be competitive.


Registration for the Bmore Hustle is currently closed. If you are interested in donating to the Baltimore ToolBank, please visit https://www.mightycause.com/story/Tools-For-Change